Thursday, March 19, 2009

Your Body and the Earth – What do they have in common?

Do you take care of your body? Most of us would surely answer yes. At least we like to think we do. Do you eat properly? Do you cook your own meals? Do you eat organic foods? Do you look carefully at the ingredients in processed foods? So just how thoughtful are you of your body? The instrument you inhabit that allows you to do, be and have.

I’m sure your answers are interesting as well as your excuses for not treating yourself, as you should. I’m not here to chastise you or berate you for not taking care of yourself, because frankly if you don’t care about you, why should anyone else. That sounds harsh, doesn’t it?

By the way I’m not that kind of person, I’m just creating an awakening here. You see I’m writing about this for 2 reasons. One, because I do care about you, and two because I care about the earth. So what do you and the Earth have in common? Well, you see you are not just the custodian of your own body you are the custodian of the earth. And frankly I’m concerned that if you don’t care about yourself, you won’t care about the earth and its other inhabitants, which are about me, your neighbors and your friends and family.

You see although I can only give you advice on how to take care of yourself; I can’t do it for you. But when it comes to the earth we need to work together and we need to understand and come to an agreement that since I want to live a healthy life that you need to be in alignment with me to make it happen. First I can’t do it without you and second It’s not fair that I have to fight for my life and carry 100% of the burden.

Right now if the earth were your body you would be able to feel how ill it is and how it is suffering. It is suffering with political and economic oppression, war, famine and pollution. Each day there are children all over the world who are suffering from malnutrition, blindness, and homelessness and in the hands of heartless people. There are adults who have no idea how to fend for themselves, where to turn for food or shelter and who are slaughtered by tyrants and governments because of greed.

This piece I write today is just a call to awakening and as a reminder (although I’m sure you haven’t forgotten) that everyday, regardless of what you do, you need not just to be aware of, but also to take care of me. I am your brother, your sister, your father, your mother, your aunt, your uncle, and your neighbor on this orb floating in space. Yes, I am your family and we are all in the same bus. We share the same resources and every time you litter, you poison or misuse anything on this earth, whether it be a person, animal or resource you do the same to yourself.
I am on your side, I am looking out for you, I love and care about you and for you, please do the same for me. The atoms that make me who I am and the atoms that make you who you are, they are the same just resonating at different frequencies and they touch each other through the atoms of space and time.

We are so connected - please practice mindfulness and compassion in each moment of your daily life and cultivate peace. With clarity, determination and patience we can all have a peaceful, healthy and prosperous life.


Arthur James Tassinello

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