Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bill's BIG mlm Blog: BIG mlm Tip - A Mind is a Terrible Thing...

Bill's BIG mlm Blog: BIG mlm Tip - A Mind is a Terrible Thing...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Making a Case for God

So why do we have such a difficult time believing that there is such an entity as God, or a higher power? What is it about the proof that we need? And what kind of proof beyond what we are living in right now would make you believe that there is a God, if you don’t believe that now?

I know we look to science for proof about many things, but while science has brought us a lot of the physical things that we have in use today they can’t disprove that God exists. Even one of our greatest physicists, Stephen Hawking’s will admit that while he cannot prove that there is a God, he believes that all that exists today could have been created by design and not by chance.

In a way, none of us exist. You see there are billions of people on this planet that have never heard of you or me and so in a way we don’t exist. Just because we don’t see something does not mean it does not exist. There is the age-old question of “which came first, the chicken or the egg”? Neither can exist without the other. No chicken to create the egg, you cannot have a chicken. No egg, and the chicken doesn’t exist. So which way is it? How did either of them get here?

With the hundreds, thousands, or millions of species of mammals, fish, birds, insects, vegetation and more on this planet is it easier to believe that they exist along with us without a creative mind or force, without a higher power having placed us here? Why is it easier to not believe in God, and believe that we came from some primordial soup? And don’t even try to contemplate absolute nothingness and trying to figure out, which is what science is trying to do, where or how it all began because you will go insane.

But you still insist on PROOF! Proof, what is it anyway? Here is one definition: Sufficient evidence or argument for the truth of a proposition. So, I propose there is a God. Definition of Evidence: That which tends to determine or demonstrate the truth of a proposition. So, what sort of evidence beyond what exists today do you need to see, hear, or feel to know that God exists? Perhaps a tap on your shoulder? Again she is all around you, he is all around us and in us!

While I may applaud the scientific community for the many things that they have discovered and brought to us to have a better physical life, looking to science for empirical proof of the existence of God is futile, or is it? God either resides within you or she does not, and that is the beauty of this life, which has been given to us.

Just because your life isn’t as perfect as you would like it to be is no reason not to believe in the existence of God. How is it that you were born knowing the difference between right and wrong? How is it that you were born with the feeling of love and wonder for everything and everyone? We were born perfect and are here to experience and enjoy all that this planet and nature offers us. And it is the beauty of free will that makes us who we are, and it is a choice we make each and every moment, each and every day to add to the quality of our own life and to the lives of others.

Of course, believe as you wish because you have been given free will. So scientifically speaking perhaps you will contemplate this last little bit of scientific information. Science does say that everything is made up of atoms, quarks, or some other bit of material that they may discover, at a later date. So if everything, that is every single thing, which exists, and that we see, feel and touch is made up of atoms then we truly are all connected. So why would you want to hurt something you are connected to? Would you cut of your arm because it hurt or would you try to heal the hurt? We have choices and “Free will”. So choose wisely and with fore thought and not just react to the hurt you may have experienced from another by eliminating them any more than you would remove your hurt arm. While life may not be or seem perfect, you can strive for perfection, just as someone trains to win a race, you can train yourself to win at life.

My wish for me is that in every moment I act with love, kindness, and compassion. My wish for you is that in every moment you act with love, kindness, and compassion. Imagine if we all do this how magnificent of a life we will create for each other.

Blessings and love to all.

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