Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bill's BIG mlm Blog: BIG mlm Tip - A Mind is a Terrible Thing...

Bill's BIG mlm Blog: BIG mlm Tip - A Mind is a Terrible Thing...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Making a Case for God

So why do we have such a difficult time believing that there is such an entity as God, or a higher power? What is it about the proof that we need? And what kind of proof beyond what we are living in right now would make you believe that there is a God, if you don’t believe that now?

I know we look to science for proof about many things, but while science has brought us a lot of the physical things that we have in use today they can’t disprove that God exists. Even one of our greatest physicists, Stephen Hawking’s will admit that while he cannot prove that there is a God, he believes that all that exists today could have been created by design and not by chance.

In a way, none of us exist. You see there are billions of people on this planet that have never heard of you or me and so in a way we don’t exist. Just because we don’t see something does not mean it does not exist. There is the age-old question of “which came first, the chicken or the egg”? Neither can exist without the other. No chicken to create the egg, you cannot have a chicken. No egg, and the chicken doesn’t exist. So which way is it? How did either of them get here?

With the hundreds, thousands, or millions of species of mammals, fish, birds, insects, vegetation and more on this planet is it easier to believe that they exist along with us without a creative mind or force, without a higher power having placed us here? Why is it easier to not believe in God, and believe that we came from some primordial soup? And don’t even try to contemplate absolute nothingness and trying to figure out, which is what science is trying to do, where or how it all began because you will go insane.

But you still insist on PROOF! Proof, what is it anyway? Here is one definition: Sufficient evidence or argument for the truth of a proposition. So, I propose there is a God. Definition of Evidence: That which tends to determine or demonstrate the truth of a proposition. So, what sort of evidence beyond what exists today do you need to see, hear, or feel to know that God exists? Perhaps a tap on your shoulder? Again she is all around you, he is all around us and in us!

While I may applaud the scientific community for the many things that they have discovered and brought to us to have a better physical life, looking to science for empirical proof of the existence of God is futile, or is it? God either resides within you or she does not, and that is the beauty of this life, which has been given to us.

Just because your life isn’t as perfect as you would like it to be is no reason not to believe in the existence of God. How is it that you were born knowing the difference between right and wrong? How is it that you were born with the feeling of love and wonder for everything and everyone? We were born perfect and are here to experience and enjoy all that this planet and nature offers us. And it is the beauty of free will that makes us who we are, and it is a choice we make each and every moment, each and every day to add to the quality of our own life and to the lives of others.

Of course, believe as you wish because you have been given free will. So scientifically speaking perhaps you will contemplate this last little bit of scientific information. Science does say that everything is made up of atoms, quarks, or some other bit of material that they may discover, at a later date. So if everything, that is every single thing, which exists, and that we see, feel and touch is made up of atoms then we truly are all connected. So why would you want to hurt something you are connected to? Would you cut of your arm because it hurt or would you try to heal the hurt? We have choices and “Free will”. So choose wisely and with fore thought and not just react to the hurt you may have experienced from another by eliminating them any more than you would remove your hurt arm. While life may not be or seem perfect, you can strive for perfection, just as someone trains to win a race, you can train yourself to win at life.

My wish for me is that in every moment I act with love, kindness, and compassion. My wish for you is that in every moment you act with love, kindness, and compassion. Imagine if we all do this how magnificent of a life we will create for each other.

Blessings and love to all.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Why Should I?

Right now you should be reading this. What do you mean, “‘I should be reading this?’ Why?” because it’s important, and eliminating the word “should” may save your relationships. But what does that really mean and what is it that you should be doing or have done? Which brings me to telling you how much I really dislike the word “Should.”

Why do I dislike the word should and want to strike it from our vocabulary, our minds and the dictionary? Because it literally means something, “you have to do,” when something you had done, or something you are about to do, would have turned out, or will turn out, better. Do you want to live your life as a “Monday morning quarterback” or coach after a game on Sunday? It’s easy isn’t it to point to the things you “could” have done. As they say, “Hindsight is always twenty, twenty.”

So, first things first and in this case let’s try and eliminate the word should from our vocabulary. And if you’re still asking, “why?” then I’ll say it this way. Should is usually stated after the fact of doing and after an experience gone bad, where it is now easy to say, “I should have.” It’s akin to what I often heard my dad say, “If I only…” something or other.

The fact is you can only take one path at a time and you can only use your own experiences or get council from someone who has the knowledge and experience to make a decision to do whatever it is you are about to do. And when you’ve done what you set out to do you either had a pleasant, happy, successful outcome or you didn’t. As I was reminded, many years ago from a very nice young lady when I said to her, “You should have…” and she said to me, “Don’t should on me.” There was my first and most memorable experience of using the word “should.”

While pondering or debating something you are about to embark upon or something you have done the proper or correct thought is, “you could have done…” which is just saying there were other choices. Then try and understand how the choice you made could have had a different outcome and learn from it.

We will never, always have the correct thought, action or response. Not ever. That is what trial and error is all about. You did not fail; you just experienced something that told you what not to do next time. Anything that does not go well is not a failure; it is only a lesson in how not to do such and such. That is why we make certain choices and take certain paths. It’s based on our knowledge and experience however errant or faulty our logic is at that time. You only know what you know and no more than that.

Stop saying “should” or “if only” to yourself or anyone else. It only serves to cause pain, angst and depression. There are only things we could have done. There are only other paths we could have taken. And until someone can take divergent paths at the same time and then look at each experience simultaneously, then and only then, will you have the ability to make the correct, proper or most competent decision every time.

Right now, this minute, I want you to stop second-guessing everything you do or anyone else has done. It is over, it is in the past and nothing you do now will change that outcome. So now, right now, learn from that experience. There is a lesson in, there is knowledge in, and there is something positive to be taken from, every thing you do and every encounter you have.

I will add this one other bit of information, which will alleviate many of the “I could haves’,” and that is this; most everything you do, if it is done with love and for a higher good will usually have a positive outcome.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Quantum Shift into Greatness Preface

Writing “Quantum Shift into Greatness,” was a challenge trying to meld scientific with spiritual information for an understanding of how they are in agreement, more so now than at anytime before. While I have taken the path of the universe being created by design, as opposed to by chance, it is up to you to discover and decide for yourself.
The root, or basis of this book is Kabbalah, and The Zohar. What I am sharing with you is a synthesis of these teachings and information from dozens of scientific and spiritual sources as well as from such luminaries as Wayne Dyer, Stuart Wilde, James Arthur Ray, Marianne Williamson and many others.
One thing I can tell you through my experience is that the “Universal Laws,” I speak of, have enormous power in your achieving a better life for yourself and for others. By my applying these teachings of the universal laws I was able to manifest this book and a better life. A life that I was meant to have from birth but didn’t recognize, and didn’t know how to achieve, until now.
I recorded the processes that brought results—the results that can only come by practice, belief and life experience. I noticed how I began to transform into someone more compassionate, more loving and more giving than I had ever been. Not until I realized that I was living proof could I sit down and write about this information and the tools for experiencing such a shift.
While I have proved this to myself, I don’t expect you to believe me. I only ask that you use these tools for yourself and discover their power to create a positive shift in your life. Prove it to yourself.
We all have the potential within us to manifest a life that is beautiful, joyful, loving, compassionate, successful and exciting by doing what we are passionate about, for what we do with passion; we do well and in the process, bring joy to others.
Additionally this book is not just for you, it is for everyone. It is for everyone because this is not just about how you can have “Stuff,” it’s about change for yourself and the world. I call it stuff because most of us want the material “Stuff.” I know that you want things, but the truth is, things have a very short shelf life. You get something new and shiny and you’re happy for a day, a week, maybe a month? What I want you to have is life-long happiness. What I want for you and you should want for yourself is true happiness, harmony and success with everything and everyone.
Partly, this book is a promotion for world peace. Now you can go, “what?” That’s right you and I have that much power, but it doesn’t happen overnight and sometimes it only happens one person at a time. However, even one person at a time can be one each day, which means 365 new peacemakers a year just from you. Here’s how it works exponentially. On day one, one person makes one new friend. On day two, both you and your new friend make a new friend, this now becomes four. On day three, the four of you each add a friend and that becomes eight and so on, doubling that number each day assuming that each person adds one more friend each day. At the end of 21 days, there will be over one million people who are friends. The actual number is 1,048,576. Do you think it’s possible to have peace in one year? Yes I realize that you may think it’s not possible and so I say, “What you think you will manifest.” If you intend it, it will happen. By the way at the end of 1 month that number is over a billion, 1,073,741,824 to be exact. Anything is possible.
In closing this information will change your life if you do the work and want all the great things the universe has to offer whether you believe in a higher power or not. Have the courage to step out of your box and be passionate about your life. Allow the inherent joy within you to erupt.
See yourself as a success.
Begin now.
Make the Shift! I’m with you.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

RelationshiP or RelationshiT

When we say the word relationship we typically think of a personal connection such as a spouse or significant other. However, there are many other relationships with your co-worker(s), siblings, children, parents, friends and even those people who come into your life for just a few moments each week at a store or who come into your home to provide a service.

Of course the ones we think about the most are those relationships where we are in contact on a daily basis or are family. The question is how much do you really think about the relationship that exists between you and that other person? Of course if your relationship is a good one where you get along most of the time, where you communicate well with one another and you have a fairly strong bond there is usually little to think about. Then there are the other relationships, or should I say relationshits.

Most of us give little thought to our relationships except when we are forced to and then we typically act as if it is the other person who is the one who needs to change their attitude. At some point in our lives we must face the fact that our relationships may require some effort on our part to keep them healthy, vibrant, interesting and fun. If we don’t those seemingly strong relationships can wither and die, or become a relationshit.

There are so many questions not only to ask about our expectations in each relationship, but also those questions of how can I improve a relationship, and do I even want to make the effort? So to begin you’ll need to ask yourself the following questions of each and every relationship you have.

1. What do I expect from myself and the other person?
2. How do I communicate my expectations?
3. How does the other person communicate their expectations to me?
4. What are my feelings and opinions of each of them?
5. What improvements would I like to see in each relationship?
6. Why am I in this relationship?
7. Do I have to continually watch what I say or can I be open and candid?
8. How do I feel immediately upon thinking about or seeing this person?
9. Is this relationship occasionally or often a problem?
10. Do I value this relationship, and why?

You may think of a few more relevant questions. What I’m asking you is this, “Do I need or want this relationship to exist?” Then ask yourself, “What am I willing to do about it?”

Of course the more intimate the relationship the more contact we have and the more we receive and give attention to it. They say that opposites attract and while there may be some validity to this, opposites usually take more work and understanding. While being an opposite of someone can bring you new and exciting things and you can learn new ways of being and doing things, there are also the challenges of wanting to do, and allowing doing, things in a different way. Subconsciously, our minds could be telling us that this is an opportunity to become a more complete individual, by causing us to see and understand those things in life that are most difficult for us to deal with and overcome.

Once you understand your personality and the other person’s personality then you will have a better understanding of how you will get along and be able to relate to one another. There is a website that will help you understand who you are, your personality type. Try it and then ask those other significant people in your life to partake as well. Perhaps this will lead to a better and happier relationship for both of you.

One final thought to remember. You cannot change someone else you can only change yourself so I will share two quotes that I believe sum up this statement.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi
“A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.” Ben Franklin

Think about it and then take time to improve your relationships it will make your life so much happier. RelationshiP or RelationshiT, which will you choose?

Arthur James Tassinello
Author of “Quantum Shift into Greatness” available August 15, 2009

Personality assessment website: © BSM Consulting