Friday, February 6, 2009

New Years Resolutions in February?

Okay, Okay so you’re not done partying yet are you. And you’re still contemplating making some resolutions. Like most of us, and like most years, you begin by talking about something and how things will be different this year. I’m really going to stick to my diet. I’m definitely going to the gym 5 times a week. I’m putting my resume together and I’m going to find that perfect job or I’m finally going to start that business I’ve been thinking about for years. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You and I have made these statements before and have heard the same talk from others and not just at the beginning of every new year. So what’s stopping you?

Lot’s of things , which are really lot’s of excuses. I don’t have enough money. I don’t have the time. It’s only another year before the kids are out of the house. It’s the same old, I don’t have, I can’t right now and it’s only. The excuses pile up one after another. Or should I say the reasons and justifications you have in your bag of “not right now”. Wow aren’t you good at sabotaging yourself.

The real reason is that you don’t truly believe in yourself, you fear failure and sometimes success and you don’t have any support. So what will you do this year that’s different than last year? Maybe believing in yourself and knowing that you deserve all the things you want. Maybe getting a coach will be the start to get you moving and helping you reach those deserving goals. That’s just a few of the things you can do to get yourself on the road you’ve always wanted to travel.

So tell me have you made a resolution or two? And how do plan to make it stick and get what you want? I really need to hear from you.

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